Smart Scheduling is Important for a Growing Practice

As a dental practice, smart scheduling is critical for increasing the number of patients and maximizing profitability. Unfortunately, most dentists do not have a clear policy regarding scheduling. Due to this, team members will usually respond to a patient's request instead of making recommendations that benefit the practice as well as the patient. With a scheduling system, it is possible to meet the needs of patients and the needs of the practice.

Create an internal structure

One aspect of smart scheduling is to create an internal structure for staff members to follow. This ties into the scheduling of employees. For example, a dentist who has employed one full-time and one part-time hygienist needs to maximize their time. It is important for team members to book teeth cleanings or specific procedures on the days that they will be working.

This scheduling frees up more time for the dentist to see additional patients. Having structure also makes it possible to maximize every team members time. Some practices create internal rules such as only seeing new patients on Mondays or only handling root canals on Thursdays. By setting up a system, there will be less chaos and an ease of ability to accommodate patients.

Use a scheduling system

It is wise to use a scheduling system that can automate tasks and reminders. If an office has more than one location, this system needs to be cloud-based so that all staff members can utilize the same scheduling tools. Other options include setting up an internal server that everyone can access.

If a practice is using an archaic system, it is wise to invest in a new one that has the ability to generate more profits. This system does so by making it possible to see new patients.

Suggest appointments

Smart scheduling involves having staff members suggest follow-up appointments when a patient finishes the current one. Suggesting appointments helps to promote re-booking and makes it more likely that patients will receive ongoing care in a timely manner. It also helps to prevent having a large number of patients constantly calling to look for an appointment time.

This is an important point to make because it takes far less time to book an appointment as someone is leaving, then to answer the phone, find the patient in the system and book a new appointment. Each staff member's time is valuable so maximize it.

Send reminders

Booking the appointment is only part of the battle. It is important to send reminders to patients and encourage them to keep all scheduled appointments. If someone cancels, rebook the appointment that same day. Also, if appointments open up due to cancellations, is wise to have a short call list to maximize scheduling abilities. Patients will appreciate getting the call and everyone will stay busy.

We can help

It can be cumbersome to set up an effective system but we know how to do it and do it right. Our experience helping dental practices throughout the area can be used to benefit your practice. To find out about the benefits, give us a call.

Nickerson Consulting:
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