Discuss Marketing Strategies with Your Very Own Dental Coach

Working with a dental coach is an excellent way to launch a new marketing campaign for your dental practice. Most dentists are too busy to focus on things like marketing. With patients to see and a staff to manage, marketing tends to be something that gets thrown by the wayside. However, it is incredibly important for the sustainability and growth of any dental practice.

Identify what your goals are

It does not make sense for a dentist to take time away from patients to drum up a marketing campaign and oversee its implementation. This is not a good use of resources or time. Instead, working with an outside coach makes it possible to launch a campaign and see it through to fruition for the benefit of the practice.

One reason to speak with a dental coach is to identify goals before launching a marketing campaign. For a marketing campaign to be successful, it is important to have narrow and specific goals that help reach revenue objectives.

For example, simply putting out a marketing campaign and hoping that it will attract new patients to the practice, means that there is no real way to quantify if the marketing campaign is a success. Thus, it is far better to identify the various aspects of the campaign and quantify what results one hopes to get from each. Examples include:

  • Social media campaign. How many fans should be generated, what are the engagement goals?
  • AdWords. When using paid search advertising, how much should be paid for each solid lead or new appointment?
  • Direct mail. How many calls should be generated from each mailer?
  • Radio ads. How many new appointments should this generate?

Meet targeted goals

It may seem impossible to set targeted goals for each area of the campaign but it really is not. When working with a coach, there will be statistical data that can determine if that aspect of the campaign has been successful based on market averages. Additionally, the best way to track the success of each area is to use an individual phone number. When new patients call, it can link back to the ad that drove them to do so.

This is incredibly important for understanding how to maximize marketing dollars. If one aspect of the campaign does not produce the results that were anticipated and another one works exceptionally well, it would be wise to redirect resources. This is the type of detailed tracking that is possible when using unique phone numbers for each area of the campaign.

Plan for success

Working with a coach makes it possible to plan for a successful campaign. Once objectives are identified, a coach can help to oversee the creation and implementation of all areas of the campaign, ensuring that everything is launched successfully. Otherwise what ends up happening is that overworked office staff try to manage a marketing campaign with no experience doing so. The results tend to suffer as a result.

Speak with a dental coach

Get help with your marketing campaign and watch as your practice grows by speaking with a dental coach today.

Nickerson Consulting:
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